Voice Over

Doing radio and podcasts I talk a lot when the day is long. Every now and then though I pay attention to what I am saying. That's when people like script writers or sound producers ask me to lend my voice to their piece.
Here are a few pieces I am proud of having been part of:
Blue Lake - Finding Dudley Flats
RN/ABC - The History Listen
On the western edge of central Melbourne lies a blind spot: the now industrialised zone was once home to the shanty town called Dudley Flats. Writer David Sornig has been walking the area re-imagining its residents.
Blue Lake is an adaption for ABC Radio.
Elsie Williams is played by Zahra Newman, Lauder Rogge is played by Adrian Plitzco.
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The mysterious tracks of a cosmic runner
RN/ABC - Radiotonic
Did East Germany really employ an in-house musician to compose and produce cassettes of Krautrock (electronic, psychedelic, avante garde music), crafted specifically to help athletes improve their game?
Jack Kerr, a fan of this cosmic music himself, had to know more. He followed the story of Kosmischer Läufer to Berlin to investigate. Starring Adrian Plitzco as the mysterious Martin Zeichnete.
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